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Cast Home Archive
Wana niffy Twin Side banner? Wana randomly bother me? Wana randomly bothe rmy assistant? Wana Request art from me? Wana request profreading from my asistant? Wana see what comics I read? Well then THIS is the place. Aren't you glad I cut it out with the "wana"s?


These banners where made by Lady Dice Higgins over at Gaia.

Just remember to link to


Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

Contact and More Mel

My Deadjournal

My LiveJournal
Not that you can read them. >.>;;

My Elfwood Glaery

My assistant

I have atrocuis... er really bad spelling. *cough* and Well my good good friend Bradly proof reads every bit of text for the comics and dose some major pimping for the comic on his journals So....


Not that you can read his either. >_>;;

Twin Side is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.