The Cast of Twin Side

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Well Twin Side if you have noticed... has characters... and well they threatend to lynch me if I didn't give them bios. Heh. >_>;; So yes... bios.

Name: Raega Wylde
Species: Demon
Age: ...heh
hair c:Teal
eye c: light green
Raega pretty much runs the Twin Side area of the CITY, hates bannanas and monkies. >_>;; Oh and has control issues. He likes to be in charge. *cough*dominatrix*cough*

Name: Lesten Siyaga
species: Half demon half elf
Age: 19 or so....
hair c: Purple
eye c: yellow/ orange
Lesten... is well pretty. And well being a boy and being pretty in Twin Side is not a good thing to be. *cough*unwantedattention*cough* Especialy if you're very conservative and shy most of the time. Lesten has two sides being half demon as he is. So some times he gets a bit... how should I say.... slutty. Yes.

Name: Murlogh
Species: Vampie
hair c: ornageish blondish brown?
eye c: Black
Murlogh is er.... well Murlogh. He is very ... not fond of elfs. >_> Won't say why just yet. But long story short he's Raega's Servant of sorts. He follows him around and dose as he says.

So yes there will be more latter as the story progresses. You know so I don't give anything away here.

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